Sole Fillet with Carrots in Tarragon Broth                                   Main Course


Serves 4


Tarragon sauce:

100 ml                   white wine

200 ml                   Noilly Prat

500 ml                   fish stock (see basice recipes)

500 g                      cream

30 g                        butter


tarragon vinegar

2                               carrots

20 g                          butter


1 Prise                     sugar

200 ml                    mineral water

2                              whole sole fish

17                            tarragon leaves

20 g                         horn of plenty mushrooms






To make the sauce, briefly bring white wine and Noilly Prat to a boil, top off with fish stock and reduce to 1/4 of original volume. Add cream and butter, then cook another 10 minutes. Whisk sauce and season with salt and tarragon vinegar.

Peel the carrots and cut lengthwise into slices. Sauté carrots in a sauce pan with butter, salt, pepper, sugar and mineral water until tender. Carrots hould be done once water has evaporated.

To finish:

Fillet the sole, lightly season with salt and cook in a steamer. Arrange fillets on warmed plates. Add tarragon leaves to frothed sauce and pur over fillets. Garnish with carrots and tarragon.

Cook horn of plenty mushrooms in salted water and strain. Finely chop mushrooms, sauté in butter, season to taste with salt and pepper and scatter over fish.